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IM5 band
IM5 band

 Hello boys and girls or fans of IM5 (:,I'm Mayra with news of IM5: 
The songs the of band is amazing !! My favorite music is 
"Into The Night",because the music is so amazing,
the music does not let us stand still, 
always want to dance when we hear ... 
Good,but the boys of band is awesome too,they are much cool,
my favorite of band is Dana,he's a big talented and Dalton,Gabe,Will 
and Cole too,but I love Dana ♥.♥ 
But since we're talking about the band's music also has an incredible song: 
"Zero Gravity", the letter is very cute and you can see that our 
kittens are very romantic!! 
Enough for today, but do not forget to enter the gallery of 
IM5 that same site and leave your comments !! 
 Kiss Kiss Mayra Rayani ♥.♥ 


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What's your favorite boy in IM5?
Dalton Rapattoni
Dana Vaughns
Gabriel Morales
Cole Pendery
Will Jay
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